The starting point


I am starting this React Native Dev Diary in hopes that I will keep a running diary while I learn how to develop apps in React Native.

This is stemming from a desire to make apps, but without the "hassle" of learning iOS or Android systems. I tried several times to "get into" Android, but it didn't seem to gel very well with me, and after a cursory glance at iOS, I felt that wouldn't be a good direction either.

Then I learned about React Native, which had the ability to deliver to both iOS and Android, and utilizes things like React, JSX, and Redux, things which I already had good knowledge of.

The first app I would like to make is a simple to do app that has these features
  • The user has a list of no more than 6 to-do items
  • As the user checks each item off, an encouraging sound (e.g. audience cheer) will sound
  • The sound will get more intense as more items are checked off
  • The list can be reset whenever the user wishes, but ideally it would be reset when the user starts work. Traditionally, this would be before 5am or so


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